Did you know that 98% of end-of-life cars are recycled? Discover even more fun facts in Febelauto’s annual report.
As sustainability and circular economy initiatives gain momentum in Belgium, Febelauto continues to lead the charge in the automotive recycling sector. This is proved by their 2023 annual report, in which you…
Fost Plus concludes accreditation period 2019-2023
Fost Plus looks back on the past accreditation period with satisfaction. The EPR organisation is responsible for the recycling chain of household packaging, and is accredited to that end for 5 years…
Recycling car tyres? Yes, you can do that too!
Recycling, reuse, circular economy… all words we often hear today, but which we are less likely to associate with certain industries. Especially with the automotive industry. Just about everyone is won over…
New European rules on export of plastic waste threaten crisis for industry
Belgium must urgently prepare for ban on exporting to non-OECD countries Valipac, the EPR-organisation for commercial and industrial (C&I) packaging, has issued a warning about the significant consequences of new EU environmental…
Thirty years of the blue bag: comfort for citizens as a priority
The first blue bags appeared on the streets of Belgium in 1994. Thirty years later, they are more relevant than ever before. Moreover, the daily sorting efforts put in by every citizen…
Back Friday : Black Friday is an annual tradition.
Black Friday is an annual tradition. Recupel and Bebat responded to this with a twist and, for a joint campaign, removed the “L” from the name for their special “BACK Friday” action.…
A toy chicken, Céline Dion and the blue bag
Fost Plus launched a new campaign focusing on better sorting this autumn. After all, without sorting it is not possible to recycle. The campaign puts things in order about what can and…
Villa Pila 2.0, a unique experience to raise awareness about battery recycling
Did you know that the average household has over 130 batteries? Or that it takes 256 used batteries to make a new smartphone? These fascinating facts are shared with thousands of children…
Valipac aims to encourage more SMEs to sustainably manage commercial packaging waste with new incentives
Valipac, which coordinates the collection and recycling of commercial and industrial packaging waste, is launching a new incentive system targeting SMEs and smaller organisations. With targeted incentives, Valipac wants to motivate this…
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